Black Mountain Family Dentistry | Extractions, Oral Cancer Screening and Periodontal Treatment

The Role Your Ancestors Played in Your Wisdom Teeth Situation

March 25, 2024

Did you know the issues associated with your third molars might be related to human evolutionary development? It's because, over time, our jaws have become smaller. Studies suggest this reduction is linked to changes in our diet and an increase in brain size. While these developments have made us smarter and allowed us a wider variety of food choices than our prehistoric ancestors, there can be dental downsides. Specifically, smaller jaws often don't leave enough room for all of our teeth. This situation usually affects the third molars, more commonly known as our wisdom teeth.

A Dental Challenge Arising from Evolution

As the last permanent teeth to develop and emerge in the oral cavity, the third molars are the most prone to problems. In some cases, they do not have enough space to erupt properly and become impacted or exhibit abnormal development. According to research, approximately 85% of individuals will need their wisdom teeth removed.

Understanding Your Wisdom Teeth Development

Most people develop four wisdom teeth. However, there are cases where some people may not develop any wisdom teeth at all, others who develop fewer than four, and rare situations where individuals may develop extra ones. Unless they're impacted, the third molars typically emerge through the gums in the back of the mouth between the ages of 17 and 21 years. This period usually coincides with the transition from teen years into adulthood, a stage often referred to as the "Age of Wisdom," which is why these teeth are commonly called the "wisdom teeth."

Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When it comes to impacted wisdom teeth, there are different classifications based on the type and amount of overlying tissue. In cases where a wisdom tooth remains covered by gum tissue, this is known as a soft tissue impaction. If a wisdom tooth remains partially or completely obstructed by bone, it's called a bony impaction.

Monitoring Your Wisdom Teeth Development at the Office of Black Mountain Family Dentistry

At our dental practice, we take great care to monitor your overall oral health. This includes checking the development, location, and health of your wisdom teeth, as well as any impact on the adjacent teeth and surrounding tissues. If your third molars have enough room to erupt without causing damage or developing cavities, there may be no need for extractions. However, if we recommend having your wisdom teeth removed, this procedure may be performed in our office, or we might refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon based on the specific requirements of your case.

Your journey towards a healthy smile begins with regular checkups. By keeping up with your dental visits, we can catch potential issues early and recommend the appropriate course of action. Remember, maintaining good oral health is vital for overall wellness, so don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team if you have any questions or concerns about your dental care.

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Black Mountain Family Dentistry 1540 South Holly Street, Denver, CO 80222
(303) 757-5885